Saturday, May 9, 2009

I realized that it's been a very long time since I've posted.  Life has consisted of a little boy I love and a job I love.  Jack has been learning so many things it's hard to keep up with him.  He went from an army crawl, to a crawl to a sprint.  There was no walking phase.  He's got a big head though that is only balanced out by his bigger belly!  He's a trooper though and even when he looks like he's been through a boxing match fromfalling or running into things, he doesn't slow down.  He's eating with a spoon now and it about to tackle the fork!  He's set to get tubes put into his ears in the next two weeks to combat the ear infections.  The ear infections have kept him from speaking a lot but when he shakes his head "no" it's emphatic enough where he may as well be shouting it!  He's a dancer now
 too!  Take a look at the video!  The dancing bear has taken quite a beating.  
He's also taken to reading!  I'm still hoping for a literature professor say at Cambridge!  He is after all named Jack (C.S Lewis's nickname)!  He's not to the point where he's reading the Chronicles of Narnia by himself yet but he LOVES Doctor Seuss and is sure that he can read them to Mommy better than Mommy can read them to him.  

Here are some more pictures of my little guy!

These are for my mom!!  Happy Mother's Day Mom!!  I'll be better about posting on this! We love you!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Sickies and Ouchies

The last week Jack has been battling an upper respiratory infection and bacterial infections in both of his eyes.  He's a trooper though and within a few days they were downgraded to a simple cold.  He, however, was not happy simply being healthy and in one piece.  He figured he felt better so it was time to commence with the "exploring."  Jack has been in love with nature since birth and he cannot stand anything that separates him from the great outdoors.  I knew it was inevitable that the dog
 door would be his next escape route but I wasn't prepared for it at all. 
This morning within seconds, he escaped my sight and all of a sudden I heard a THUD and a cry!  I rushed to the scene, which was the doggie door, and he was inside thankfully but not without proof he had at least gotten half way out.... a rock (there are rocks in the back yard but not within arm reach of the dog door).  The cry lasted maybe a second or two and then came the look of such pride that I might have let him keep the rock had there not been a second rock....
growing on his head!!  I grabbed him (and his treasure), took him to the living room and put an ice pack on his face.  He kept squirming around so much to observe his rock that I finally took it and threw back outside where it belonged.  He cried harder about that then he did the lump on his head!  He was so hurt that I would deny him his prize and was even more mad when I again, put ice on his face.  The swelling has gone down some even though it's beginning to turn black and blue.  Sadly, I feel that by throwing the rock outside I'm only created more of a resolve in 
my little boy to revisit the scene of his adventure and to discover the treasure Mommy so evilly denied him (sigh). 

Friday, January 2, 2009

Jack versus Pasta

Jack loves food.... to death!  One of his favorite meals is what I call, "Hodgepodge pasta."  Basically whatever I have goes into it.  This particular night it consisted of chicken, eggplant, red onion, green peppers, squash, zuccini, pasta and Trader Joe's vodka sauce (not really vodka in it). Well at the onset of dinner, a battle ensued.  I'll let you decide who won! 

Monday, November 24, 2008

Jack's first birthday

Jack's birthday was amazing.  It was great to see my little boy (not a "baby" anymore) just being loved by so many people that I love!  I always hope people will adore him since really, I think it's just so easy, but when it actually happens it's just so wonderful.  People were so kind in giving Jack great toys that he loves!  Every morning and afternoon we discover new noises that some of these toys make and it makes him giggle!  My personal favorites were the little black Converse sneakers and the football (plus the promise of teaching him how to throw it).  He'll have to grow into both but it just feeds my excitement about what kind of kid he'll grow up to be.  What will be considered "cool" clothes (and how "uncool" will I be?) and what kind of sports will he like?  For now though I'm enjoying the memories of how much he's changed in the last year.  He's gone from a little "blob" to a sweet little boy (with a stubborn streak a mile long).  He's learned that teeth are for more than just chewing food (mommy's leg has the battle scars to prove it), and he's learned that just because mommy says "no" real loud doesn't mean he can't crawl into her lap a second later.  He's learned that legs have a purpose even if they're not functioning perfect just yet, and that books are wonderful.  He's learned that sounds have a meaning although the meanings aren't all quite understood just yet, and that screaming during dinner makes food appear quicker! Oh yeah, and if he doesn't like dinner, throwing it on the floor makes the puppy come close enough to play!  We're still working on the idea that it's not nice to assault the guests at your birthday party especially when they're just about the same size as you (and will be seeing you shortly!)  Delia is a scrappy little girl though and can take care of herself.  She weighed more than Jack did when she was born!  

So as I have said many times, the day was perfect.  I couldn't have asked for a better way
 to celebrate my son's first birthday than with these amazing friends who have loved both of us so well.  At one point I was looking around and realized I had known some people for over 10 years already. I love the idea that they will still be around to see Jack grow up.  Here are a couple more pictures from that day.  

Friday, November 21, 2008

Jack's first year.

So this was my Jack one year ago.  He was a rather big boy weighing in at 9 lbs, 7.5 ounces and measuring 21 inches.  He was not real happy about being born.  He had a nice thing going "on the inside" and didn't feel the need to leave.  I was induced after my due date and he still wasn't having it.  It took a c-section for this guy to join us. Life since then has been measured in this little creature's bodily functions (yuck), vomit, food (a lot of it), naps (sigh), teeth, giggles, and lately what I'll call "sermons."  At some point he learned to stand, wave his arms about with a very serious look on his face and "preach" through the use of sounds and no words.  It's fabulous! 

He and I have had lots of adventures since then.  We learned to travel well which was quite an accomplishment.  Still haven't visited New York but we'll get there soon!  In his first year we have criss crossed this country 4 times!  Three of those times were by plane and one time by 
car!  I don't suggest it.  After the 2nd time though we got the hang of it.  He had a great time staying in New Jersey.  Every thing in NJ is different from Phoenix including birds and squirrels.  Jack had a particularly fun time watching both!  Jack also had a new friend in his cousin Nathan.  Nathan is 3 years and one month older than Jack but they are so sweet together.  Nathan is very careful with Jack and just wants to teach him about trucks and all the good food he gets to eat.  Jack, I'm sure, is paying very close attention. 

Being back in Phoenix, now permanently, has been nice though.  Jack has a nice little school he'll go to when I start work full-time and lots of lovely people who adore him.  Jack also has a doggie for a playmate.  It's a rather love/hate relationship.  At first Major just adored Jack.  They would sneak off into the hallway where Major would give Jack a bath (gag), or they would share toys with loving selflessness (gag, gag).  But alas, theirs was not a love that would last.  Jack now stalks Major.  Major has found his kennel or the yard to be  wonderful retreats away from little hands that haven't learned to pet gently and that steal his toys.  Jack now misses Major so much that he tries bathe himself in Major's drinking water (gag, gag, dry heave).  Jack has also realized that when Major is outside, only a thin strip of 
rubber (doggie door) separates them.  He hasn't worked up the courage to actually go out the doggie door but I've watched him stick his head 
out and try to talk to Major.  Major wasn't receptive.  

Jack also had his first Halloween.  He was Charlie Brown.  He really was the cutest Charlie Brown ever.  I'm not biased!  He really was!


So here are some highlights from Jack's first year.  His first party is this weekend so I'll include those later!